Okay this is real trial and error here but I am thinking that it is possible to find the right balance for fitness. I really do not need to be thin, just comfortable with my skin. I want to have energy and I want my clothes to be comfortable. So I have done some research and here are a few interesting and pretty easy to "digest" tips. I like this one it is easy to readhttp://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/health/toplists/15_fatburning_foods/15_fatburning_foods.html
I think I could eat spicy food for health. I am thinking that would work since I love Indian foods and almost all things Mexican.
I was also happy to read that eggs may, in fact, be okay to eat. I am going to do more research on this but I love eggs and when I eat them I am not hungry half way through the morning. Since I love blogs I chose to offer this one about eggs...I like it since there is a whole lot of discussion about the egg. Personally if you eat local eggs, real free range (the chickens who truly run around and eat what they wish and are born to eat for best health) then I think they are a great food and like everything ...in moderation. http://blog.healthyeats.com/blog/2009/01/23/eggs-good-or-bad/.
Here is the important thing I have found:
- Berries...eat berries ( I am not sure will do some research on the frozen berried since that is the easiest way for me to keep them always available).
- Spice up the food you can.
- Eat regularly so that your body does not try to store fat.
- Coffee good..black (I made that switch this year not so bad)
- Water -ugh hate drinking water
Okay and I am thinking that my daily wine is not considered berries so I got to think about that. Happy New Years.
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